Michelle Boughen has been involved in the New Age field all her life.
Both Michelle’s father and grandmother – Bertha Bowie - taught Spiritual Teachings and Alternative Healing Practices during the 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s and 1980’s.
​During the 1990’s Michelle decided to continue the venture of this Spiritual Pathway that her family started before her and after settling in Geelong from Sydney, Michelle established The Gallery of Enlightenment – Geelong’s Spiritual Study Centre – in 1994.

Michelle has gained many professional attainments through her studies and teachings over the years including, Yoga, Massage, Reiki, Auric and Spiritual Healing, Meditation and Subconscious Programming, Trance Writing and Drawing, Dance and Rhythm, Harp, Crystal Bowls, and Tongue Drum to name just a few.
This knowledge has been put together to develop “BODYFLOW” – a complete Wholistic Healing Approach involving the developed learning of all the above, to help Practitioners become aware of the continuance of life beyond the physical.
Michelle has been writing Channelled Textbooks for many years for her students, as well as publishing three books, this being her fourth book, on Spirituality, as she and her Spiritual Guides understand that teaching responsibly is the only way that Truth is understood.​
Michelle has travelled to many Sacred Sites taking people with her to the Lands of Egypt, The Holy Lands of Jordan, The Sahara Desert, Easter Island, Asia, Indonesia, South America just to name a few.
These travels were brought about through her search of Ancient Scripts that speak about the Essence of Creativity, Early Life of Ancient Civilisations, Life Upon Planet Earth during the Civilisation Changes of Mu into Lemuria, Lemuria into Atlantis, and Atlantis into Ancient Egypt, a story of Spirituality and generated Planetary Change. Ancient Scripts written in stone called Hieroglyphics speak of tones and tales of many Truths of Creativity that unless heard through the Inner Voice, one may miss its meaning...

When reading through this Web Site or listening to any of Gallery of Enlightenment’s Podcasts, please allow yourself to digest the words slowly into your Subconscious, thus allowing your Soul to hear the words internally.
This Web Site is about ‘Spiritual Guidance’. It’s about offering you new ways of tapping into your Soul Vibration and ‘feel’ the Truth you carry. It is not about asking you to ‘change your mind’ about anything you may already believe. You know your own ‘Truth’, and perhaps together we can open your ‘Truth’ and combine your knowledge to new and powerful understandings of the Universe.
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