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Astrology Through a Numerology Lens

Dive into a transformative exploration of the zodiac as Michelle Boughen unveils a fresh perspective by combining the ancient wisdom of astrology with the precise insights of numerology.

This unique approach sheds new light on each zodiac sign and its ruling planet, offering deeper understanding and guidance, even for those born on a Leap Year. 
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Curious about what 2025 has in store for your zodiac sign? Tune into Michelle Boughen’s podcast miniseries, Astrology Through Numerology, where she dives into the unique blend of astrology and numerology to reveal how the year ahead might shape your journey.


Michelle takes a closer look at each zodiac sign, their ruling planet, and even shares special insights for those born on a Leap Year (February 29th). Whether you’re into star signs, numbers, or just looking for some inspiration for the future, this series is a must-listen. Join Michelle and see how 2025’s energy aligns with your path!

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Pythagorean Numerology


PYTHAGORUS was born 590 BC
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Pythagoras was the Father of Numbers in this modern age. He said, “Everything is disposed according to the numbers.” 
Compatibility through Numerology is now possible, because the Symbols in Numerology, Signs for the Planets and Graphics are all formed from the same basic shapes.
THE CIRCLE; THE STRAIGHT LINE in both the vertical and horizontal position; and THE SEMI CIRCLE
Full Circle

Straight Line

Semi Circle



0 The Zero represents the Super Conscious Mind, the entirety before Creation. It is a Symbol of the all-Embracing Principle of Divine Manifestation, Perfect and Complete, including everything and wanting nothing. Without Beginning, we have no End. It is neither first nor last; it is timeless, sexless, ABSOLUTE.


The Circle always denotes the Higher Planes. From the viewpoint of man in existence, it symbolises death as the state in which the life forces are transformed, and because of its form, it signifies ETERNITY.



In 3 appear the two Semi-Circles representing the Divine Feminine, or the Soul to Man’s Rescue. This stands for Mind, Imagination, Manifestation, Development, the Trinity, Father, Mother, Child, Physical-Mental-Spiritual, Conscious-Subconscious-Super Conscious.


3 Symbolises Spiritual Synthesis, the solution of conflict posed by dualism. It is the first of the three numbers of completion: 3, 6, 9. In Scripture it stands for a ‘Completed Period of Time’.



Man is upright now and supported by his Soul; notice the upright line and the circle; 6 has learned to depend upon the Inner Self and so the number 6 stands for Love, Intuition, Harmony, and Beauty. Man has gone from passionate love to compassionate love. 6 is a Symbol of Accomplishment, of Growth or Purpose and signifies and a Completion of a period of Activity. It serves to be of use in the seventh number, that of 7 – The Soul Perfected.



The number 9 indicates that the Soul is at its height and at the end of a cycle. This is considered the number of the ‘Initiate’, also the Symbol of Matter, which cannot be destroyed. 9 has the curious property of being the only number, which in calculation when multiplied by any other number always reproduces itself, for the Hebrews, it was the ‘Symbol of Truth’.

1+8 = 9;   2+7 = 9;   3+6 = 9;   4+5 = 9;   3x3 = 9



1 always stands alone, as the first in anything. It is the idea, the Creative Principle, generating the first movement of the life. Positive and masculine in nature. 


1 represents that decisive action which enables one to make a decision and step out into a new field.


1 stands for the First Son of God, the Ego, the Self-Conscious Mind of Man, the Masculine, Spirit.


So, the Zero is the representation of Eternity and the Super Conscious, and after that comes 1, CREATION – Creation of the Self Conscious. Man has appeared, created in the ‘Image of His Maker’, a co-creator with Him identifying with His Experience.



In the number 4, we see the Triangle and the Cross as the Symbolic shape. Man is now upright and carrying the Divine Principle, it is the number of Reason and Regularity: of Tangible Achievement. It Symbolises the Earth, Terrestrial Space, and the Human Situation. There are many arrangements in sets of 4, man perfected on 4 sides of his nature, Physically, Mentally, Spiritually and Psychically. The 4 Elements of the Ancient Alchemists are: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Four fixed signs of the Zodiac and the 4 Beasts of Ezekiel – (in the Bible).



Composed of the horizontal line and the vertical line, the number 7 indicates Fallen Man upheld by the ‘I AM’; the Higher and Lower Selves United. The Seventh number is considered to be the Perfect Stage of Spiritual Unfoldment. In this number we have Victory, Authority, Finish, Perfection, Recognition and Withdrawal. The Number 7 signifies, Completion or Consummation because the Soul is heard through the Mortal Mind. The Soul is being identified via thought and feeling and the Human Mind is tapping into the Truth the Soul Mind carries. If this Truth is heard, it can indicate the beginning and the ending of a cycle.



Here the combination of the upright line, I AM, and the Circle means: I AM WITH GOD. The masculine and the feminine are in perfect balance. This is Symbolic of the return to Unity. It has always been considered the number of Perfection, Completion of a Process, or Accomplishment of a Purpose.



2 The Semi Circle is above Horizontal Line, representing Fallen Man, with the Soul above him. The number 2 stands for the Soul, the Unconscious Mind, the Feminine Principle, the Moon, The Law of Duality. It stands for Reflection, for Conflict and Counterpoise, for Nature in Opposition to the Creator. It stands for Imagination, Artistry, Romance and the Qualities that are more mental than physical. It is the Symbol of Duality of Manifestation, one becoming two, Spirit and Matter.



5 is the number of Man; Fallen Man; the horizontal line is upheld by the Soul or Divine Principle. This number denotes change and versatility. It is a testing number, generally a Symbol of Imperfection and Incompletion. Here is Man reaching out through his 5 senses for experience. In the Scriptures, it most often pertains to the Senses, or the Planes of Manifestation. The 5 Senses of: Feeling, Touching; Seeing; Hearing; Smelling.



8 is the only number that is joined and really means, ‘Heaven Over Earth’. It also indicates that one cycle on top of the other means the achievement of balance. In mathematics, it is the Symbol of Infinity. It represents the 8th sign of the Zodiac being Scorpio, the Serpent, also Symbolising the Life Force. It is the Symbol of Entrance into a new state or condition of the Soul. The 8th day always typifies Resurrection. This is also the number of Regeneration, which perhaps explains why the old fonts and baptisteries are octagonal.

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11, 22, 33 or any other double digit number of the same digit are called MASTER NUMBERS. They can be added together such as 11/2, but they do have a Master Number meaning on their own and it is often better to understand the Master Number Meaning in its own entirety to understand the lesson involved.


In 11, 22, 33, they mean: 11 is about the Physical22 is about the Mental and 33 is about the Spiritual, therefore associating them with the lessons the person is going through during the time of when the Master Number enters their life, whether in their name, birth date, or personal year.


12 often appears in the Bible. The different sets of 12, are all interrelated from the ‘12 Divisions of the Cycle of Life’ shown in the Zodiac, which corresponds to Soul states, to the ‘12 Sons of Jacob’, and the ‘12 Disciples’, which refer to Soul qualities.


In numerology only the master numbers 11, 22 and 33 are considered – however other master numbers will often appear to many people throughout life, particularly when in a phase of spiritual growth. 


444 is a great example of such a phenomenon so I am also including the other master numbers 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 and 99.



Master Number 11 is the first master number, brings higher intuition and spiritual insight, supernatural abilities, increased sensitivity, as well as empathy and natural intelligence. The number 11 is a sign of enormous power – both mental and physical.


The holder of this life path number is considered to be an old soul. With 11 in your chart, you are able to calmly deal with complex situations – you have general knowledge and know a little about everything. It’s like having a finger in every pie.


Your greatest advantages are respect, empathy, understanding others and their problems, adaptability, steadiness, sense of order and immense ability to see others more deeply.



When you see the number 44 come up in abundance it typically means a period of growth through challenge, and you are called to pay attention to how you think about this particular challenge. It can be a little reminder from your source that you need to reassess your attitude and thought patterns to be more proactive and “at cause” instead of merely allowing life to happen to you.



Tapping into Universal Intelligence and Divine Wisdom. Rapid awakening, the mystic traveler and seeker. Solitude or turning away from the outer world to establish a deeper connection with one’s inner world and the Universe as a whole. Detachment and expanding consciousness.



Master Number 22 is the second master number, brings deep spiritual understanding, facilitating the appliance of knowledge in a practical way, which will eventually lead to success, high self-esteem, natural intelligence, and ability to work at a high position.


The holder of this life path number is considered to be a master builder. The science sees this figure as an entwining of powers between the number 11 and 4. Number 11 is responsible for a high intuition and visionary thoughts, and the number 4 carries the practical nature.


In other words, number 22 is a powerful combination between these two, which can help achieve a goal in a very rapid manner.



When this number comes up a lot it means a period of instability and flux, but one that you are able to master by turning within and seeking your higher wisdom and intuition rather than merely reacting to the events around you. Building a stronger foundation by cultivating self-trust.



Mastery of self-discipline, becoming assertive and challenging authority or established rules, a trailblazer or pioneer. Works well with the Universal Laws and attempts to teach those principles to others.



Master Number 33 is the last and the most prominent master number. Seen as the “teacher” of numbers, it’s got a massive importance within numerology and is seen as the perfect balance between the first two numbers.


Someone who has the number 33 appearing regularly within their charts is typically an individual who can take on projects, regardless of how difficult or impractical they might appear to be. Anyone who finds that 33 continue to arise in their life path will find that they will be extremely emotional people – too. Not only can be they be bundles of creativity, joy, and excitement; they can be extremely imbalanced and volatile emotionally, too.


This makes someone who goes down this route an individual who was put on the Earth, via their soul, to create a stronger understanding of love and harmony among individuals.



Transmutation and expanding consciousness. Comes up a lot around Kundalini awakenings or periods of transcendence. It speaks of bringing the sacred to the mundane in life – the search for a larger purpose or more meaning to daily life/experiences. Meditation and contemplation.



Idealism sees the “bigger picture” and strives to improve the world or do something positive for his/her fellow humans. Visionaries in their fields of choice. A tendency to be too idealistic which can lead to frustrations and disappointment when others do not live up to their lofty expectations.

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To find YOUR Soul Number you need only the calendar day of your birth. If this number is two-digit year you need to reduce it to single digit by adding together figures that make up this number. 


For example: 29 = 2 +9 = 1 +1 = 11 = 2, i.e., Soul Number of the person born on the 29th number – 2.


The higher the value is the stronger its vibrations are. This number indicates the hidden internal talent of its owner. Knowledge of what Soul Number indicates will help its owner to choose the future profession, as well as to make other equally important decisions.


YOUR Destiny Number is the number of your birth reduced to decimal value by adding figures of your birth date.


For example: the 11th of March 1985 = 1+1+3+1+9+8+5 = 28,

the resulting number is reduced: 28 = 2+8 = 10

and is reduced again until you get a decimal number:10= 1+0 = 1


The resulting number is The Destiny Number of the person born on the 11th of March in 1985.

"Michelle's tarot readings are truly transformative. Her intuitive insights cut through the noise, providing guidance and clarity in every session. I highly recommend her services to anyone seeking profound answers."

Steve Daniels


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