By Mahmoud Abdelkaher & Michelle Boughen

The symbol MAAT is represented by Hieroglyphic logographic of an ostrich feather or a female carrying an ostrich feather on the top of her head.
If we discuss the whole definition, we will find out there are 2 symbols that are very important.
The first one being an ‘ostrich feather’ and beneath the feather the ‘pedestal det’. We will discuss this one by one as symbolic language.
The ‘ostrich feather’ for the Ancient Egyptian was important and we should also mention that all the creatures around the Ancients were their first teachers who taught them the reason for existence.
Ancient Egyptians watched every animal, all birds, and insects very carefully and they followed certain respectful behavior patterns that impounded to them a spiritual connection to nature.
Once the Ancient Egyptians connected to an inner respect level they witnessed by a nature creature, they looked within themselves to practice the ongoing lessons of Spirituality that brought a closeness to Nature. Thus began the symbolism of birds and other nature spirits becoming a part of the Sacred Language of the Hieroglyphics.
All birds for Ancient Egyptians were representative of ‘pure free souls,’ covered with ‘feathers’, because ‘feathers’ are the symbol of ‘balance’. Scientifically it’s been proven that feathers bring balance to the bird; this balance helps the birds to fly as a ‘free soul’ or as the Ancient’s called it ‘BA’.
So, ‘certain birds’ became known as: ‘free souls flying around between the sky and earth’.
As you know, not all the birds fly, some walk upon the ground and there are approximately 11 birds that cannot fly, ‘ostrich’ being one of them.
For the Ancient Egyptian, the Soul ‘BA’ lives on Earth meaning it’s the ‘spirit’ which everyone should follow, it’s the balance which will bring the rhythm and music to our Earthly experience.
MAAT according to our Ancestors was made by the ‘Complete One our Creator God ATUM’. ATUM created MAAT before He started to create Anything Else, because MAAT was the METHOD and PROCESS He used to Create the Universe itself.

Source: Wikipedia
It is the POLES that give BALANCE to EVERYTHING.
Air and Humidity…
Earth and Sky…
Day and Night…
Dark and Light…
System and Chaos…
Summer and Winter…
Autumn and Spring…
MAAT was the first ENERGY the Creator thought about to be the main LAW which everything else in the Universe will follow.
Universal Harmony was represented with a ‘female’. This ‘female’ the Ancients represented to the world was shown and described as the ‘Most Beautiful Energy’ that estimated the ‘highly regarded value of women’, ‘precious femininity’ and the ‘pearly role of women’ in the Universe.
The proof that MAAT is ‘feminine’ is very clear. First, what we call a ‘determinative symbol’ is a symbol which comes at the end of any word to emphasise the meaning of the words.

The ‘determinative symbol’ here is, a female in a ‘sitting attitude’ and carries above her head an ‘ostrich feather’.
The other evidence is the symbol (Upper Half of the circle or piece of bread according to Gardner) and this is the determinative of a female.
In any Ancient Egyptian words if this symbol shows up straight away, we are talking about something feminine.
Here is the other symbol in the word and according to Gardner, this is the pedestal ‘det’ and actually it is the pedestal for many statues. When we studied the discovered statue’s basements, we found out there are only 2 designs.
Firstly, there is the normal ‘rectangular shape’ and this is used only for Kings and Queens and normal figures; secondly, we have another design that was this pedestal with a decline line on one of its sides and this basement was only used for the first ‘arrival gods’ on what Ancients called the ‘Primeval Land or Island.
To bring this symbol into the WORD, it showed proof that MAAT was the UNIVERSAL LAW created by Atum as the first ESSENCE He created before anything.
MAAT & Femininity
It’s clear that the Ancients found out that Universal Harmony is ‘feminine’. It describes the beauty, truth, and harmony as a Feminine Essence, and this gives us the evidence which we need to know when we study the women in the ancient society descriptions of: ‘identifying females in their rights and their duties’.
(Here may I point out we are speaking about Ancient Societies where women had different rights to the modern woman in some countries and cultural societies.)
When we start to discuss this in the 21st century, we will be still talking about ‘women’s rights’ which are being extracted from women today and were extracted from our system a long, long, time ago.
So, when we speak about how our Ancestors identify women in the Ancient Society, we will find out its very clear that they identified them as they identified MAAT.
Women, (femininity), are the Souls who choose to ‘not fly’ in order to bring ‘truth, inspiration and harmony to Earth’.
They are out of the system because they ‘brought the system together through Truth, Inspiration and Harmony’!
Women are ‘the method’, ‘the course’ of the process of the ‘poles’ who protect the Earth and who ‘drive the system’ and are already above the system so the ‘system’ should give them the complete ‘freedom’ to introduce themselves and their ‘creativity’ so their creative freedom will ‘course the system’, which everyone else should follow. In other words, ‘women are the upper hand in the system’. (Remember these were the Ancient Teachings of Maat when Maat was an ‘acting balance’ of Truth. Today, this ‘acting balance’ has ‘lost its balance’ and we now live in ‘chaos of truth’.
This is a very important question. The Balance the Ancients gave to society was a very creative course built up upon Universal Facts and Teachings without ego involved. The Doctrine the Ancients wrote down was the Truth of the Universe. Like it or not. Accept it or not. But this was the only Doctrine that will achieve Balance on Earth. It is from the Universal Laws that govern Balance.
Women were known as the ‘only carrier of the Royal Blood and Royal Genes’; after Royal Marriage, the man became the King because He was the carrier of the ‘Royal Sperm’, the female carries the making of the ‘Universal Royal Blood, Physical Body, and Genes’. (This is how the Ancients looked at the scientific make-up of the genealogy in Ancient Truths within the human body.)
Kings in the Ancient societies were the thinker, the dreamer of the society; King was the one responsible of receiving the messages from the Universe with his abilities to contact the Spirit of Everything and that was the concept of MAAT to keep attached to the harmony of this Universe and never be away from the Universe; so in other words, women were the pure souls, ‘Messengers of the Universe’ and the Souls need containers, so only the right men, Kings, will be the container of these ‘Beautiful Souls’ through their ‘Royal Sperm’. Therefore ‘men’ cannot be Kings until they prove that they are the ‘right container’ for those ‘beautiful souls’ called ‘women’.
With these Universal facts and points of view, women in the Ancient Egyptian society especially the Old Kingdom and Pre-Kingdom periods (4500 BC-2180 BC) had complete freedom of choice; and when we say that ‘they don’t belong to the system’, it was so system couldn’t judge or bring blame of any kind of trial to women.
Kings were very busy with their Spiritual Mission; therefore, Queens officially ruled the Kingdoms with their Prime Ministers. There are many examples and evidence of this…
The value of MAAT is the same value of women in Ancient Egypt, as much as it ‘was’ for the King’s main duty to reach and become: ‘The Achievement MAAT on Earth’.
In every Temple, the first thing the Kings had to prove to ‘the gods’ was that they achieved, and they made in order ‘gods will’. Then ‘the gods’ would give them power in return.
The Kings made sure to keep the Harmony of the Universe (MAAT), because as they said, “Without harmony the system will collapse…”
Kings (prophets) communicated and manifested and contained the Universal Harmony (MAAT) and then gave to their people the ‘Earth MAAT’, which is the Doctrine, the Universal Laws, and Methods everyone should follow in order to keep the Harmony between Universe and man, so man wouldn’t be a burden upon the Universe; Man, and Universe on one side against ‘ISFT’ or ‘ANTI-MAAT’ followers.
So, in conclusion, ‘man’ had to take care of ‘MAAT’ to keep the ‘Harmony of Universe’.
Man had to take care of their ‘women’ to keep the Harmony between Man and Universe because ‘Women are and have Always Been the Secretariat of the Process’.