Custom Spirit Guide Drawing
Michelle Boughen is a Trance Spiritual Artist. Michelle has had no formal Art Training throughout her years, though she has always been interesting in bringing Spirit though to the Client though Drawing Spiritual Guides.
These Drawings can be drawn quite quickly in human timing, however, Michelle enters into a Trance Timing, where there is no timing that we know of. It is Realm Timing, a Timing of the Soul Expression. Spirit connect & commune to Michelle throughout her Drawing Time and give her instructions of how to colour the page, blend the chalks to create shape, colour & shading until the Art Piece is finalised upon the paper. Michelle then leaves the page to settle its energy overnight, returns the next day to do any ‘touch up’s the Spiritual Guide requires until it is all finalised. Once finalised, Michelle will then sit and Channel the Reading & Explanation that comes with your Spiritual Guide Drawing.
Send your FULL NAME & DATE OF BIRTH so Michelle can Intuitively Draw your Personal Spiritual Guide working with you in this life. You will receive a 4-5 page Reading describing yourself Numerology Soul Path and information on your Spiritual Guide and how you both connect together.