“I come from afar, to bring to you the STRENGTH OF PURPOSE. PURPOSE is a skill that takes great discipline to follow.
The Strength of Purpose a Soul develops through each training that enters through each lesson of SOUL LISTENING, SOUL UNDERSTANDING, SOUL INTUITIVE CONNECTION and SOUL DISCIPLINE to continue throughout all the problems your Earth Lessons bring.
I vibrate at a HIGHER SOUND FREQUENCY than the Earth Frequency, thus my colours surrounding me are potent and bright to help you develop and connect to your inner voice.”
Drawn in 2003, Michelle Boughen allowed her hand to be guided by a White Light to shape and design the chalk pastels upon the page through Intuition and Insight to produce this Spiritual Guide. He has many Colours describing his Strength and Insight of Truth. The strong jaw line states a great strength, determination and discipline that’s needed in understanding the Journey of Karma, Lessons that can bring hurt and pain, that hurt or pain that needs great strength to forgive and release. This Spiritual Guide helps one to draw upon his strength to understand how to forgive and release so the Soul will not continue to hurt throughout their life.